When you think of athletes training to stay in shape for their sport, you most likely imagine them lifting weights, running, or doing traditional calisthenics. These are the types of regimens that are most commonly prescribed by team coaches and trainers from the high school level all the way through to the pros.

What you’re probably not aware of is how pilates is becoming increasingly popular as a supplemental training tool for top athletes in all major sports. But this really shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, considering all the different ways pilates helps improve athletic performance. Here is just a partial list of how doing pilates can make you a better athlete:

  • Increases your range of motion so you can throw harder, swing faster, or kick higher.
  • Lengthens and loosens muscles and joints to improve your functional flexibility and reduce injury risk.
  • Focuses on strengthening the core, which gives you greater power when performing the types of rotational movements that are so crucial in sports such as golf, tennis, baseball, and many others.
  • Improves balance and coordination through constant attention to aligning legs and arms for more efficient movements.
  • Provides a low-impact or no-impact workout that yields benefits without unduly stressing the body.
  • Incorporates unfamiliar movements to recruit and activate lesser-used muscles for a true whole body workout.
  • Targets and strengthens problem areas for injury prevention and for post-injury rehabilitation.
  • Adds variety and challenge to an otherwise stale workout routine.

Athletes of all kinds and at all skill levels have benefited from practicing Pilates in addition to more traditional sports-focused training. Whether you’re a runner, basketball player, gymnast, swimmer, or martial artist, you too can improve performance, prevent injury, and keep fit during the off season with the help of Pilates, so we invite you to start today.